After starring in national award winning maker Bala’s Naan kadavul, audience realised that Arya could act well. Later the success of Rajesh directorial Boss engira Baskaran made him a commercially bankable star. However, of his movies later, only the Atlee directed Raja Rani was a success. The films featuring Arya in the last 5 years, namely Purambokku engira Pothuvudamai , Maeghaman, vasuvum saravananum onna padichavanga, yatchan, inji iduppazhagi, Bengaluru naatkal, Kadamban, all failed miserably.
After more than 1 year post the release of his last flick Kadamban, Arya has acted in only one movie, Ghajinikanth. This movie was supposed to release 2 months back, but due to the 50 days Tamil cinema strike, the movie is releasing later, and now the movie has been announced as a July 27 release. Adult movie director Santhosh Jayakumar of Hara Hara Mahadevaki and Iruttu arayil murattu kuthu fame has for a change made Ghajinikanth as a U certified entertainer. The movie has Sayyeshaa paired with Arya and Also stars Sathish, motta Rajendran. Arya has been pinning hopes on Ghajinikanth to rescue his career, breaking the flop streak.