Actor Ajith Kumar has moved on to his next racing event even before the news of his win in FIA 24H Series subsides. He has officially announced that he will not accept projects during the racing season. However, he will soon be seen on screens next in the action-comedy movie Good Bad Ugly. Director Adhik Ravichandran, who rose to fame by helming Trisha Illana Nayanthara, has written and directed the venture. He has roped in writers Ravi Kandasamy and Harish Manikandan to aid in molding the screenplay of the flick. Actress Trisha Krishnan has been paired with actor Ajith Kumar in the entertainer. Good Bad Ugly will mark the sixth association of the duo after Ji, Kireedam, Yennai Arindhaal, Mankatha, and their upcoming project Vidaamuyarchi. Earlier the makers had advertised that the drama will be making it to theaters as a Pongal release. But due to reasons best known to the team it got pushed without a date.
The production house has now announced a new release date for the entertainer on social media. Good Bad Ugly is all set to hit theaters worldwide on 10th of April. Taking to his official X profile, storyteller Adhik Ravichandran shared a poster from Good Bad Ugly and captioned it, “Good Bad Ugly arrives on April 10th. Mythri Movie Makers. Suresh Chandra.” Here is the post made by the director.
Good Bad Ugly is set to showcase actor Ajith Kumar in three different quirky characters. A picture of actor Ajith Kumar and director Adhik Ravichandran from the shooting spot went viral on social media recently. The Kaadhal Mannan actor appeared young and dashing in the photo. His fans went gaga over his youthful look. Apart from Ajith Kumar and Trisha Krishnan, the cast of Good Bad Ugly also has actors Prasanna, Prabhu, Yogi Babu, Arjun Das, Sunil, Rahul Dev, and Naslen K Gafoor depicting various supporting characters. Streaming platform Netflix has secured the digital rights of the film for a whooping 95 crore.
Music composer Devi Sri Prasad has scored music for the film. Good Bad Ugly will be his second project with actor Ajith Kumar after their hit combo in Veeram. Cinematographer Abinandhan Ramanujam has been behind camera for the venture. Editor Vijay Velukutty has been engaged to oversee the editing department of the drama. Stunt master Supreme Sundar has choreographed action moves in the flick. Good Bad Ugly is bankrolled by Naveen Yerneni, Y Ravi Shankar, Bhushan Kumar, Gulshan Kumar, and Krishan Kumar partnering with Suresh Chandra under the production label Mythri Movie Makers. Raahul A of Romeo Pictures has bagged the theatrical rights of the venture.
On the professional front, actor Ajith Kumar will soon have his next outing in the action thriller flick Vidaamuyarchi crafted by director Magizh Thirumeni in which he has collaborated with actors Arjun Sarja, Trisha Krishnan, Regina Cassandra, and Big Boss fame Arav. On the other hand, actress Trisha Krishnan is waiting consecutive releases in Thug Life helmed by storyteller Mani Ratnam in which she has performed alongside actors Kamal Haasan and Silambarasan, a Malayalam drama Ram helmed by Jeethu Joseph in which she has co starred with actor Mohanlal, and a Telugu venture Vishwambhara crafted by Mallidi Vassishta in which she will be seen alongside actor Chiranjeevi. The Lesa Lesa star is currently occupied in her future project tentatively titled Surya 45 helmed by RJ Balaji.