Actor Ajith Kumar was all over the internet after securing a third spot in FIA 24H Series held in Dubai. He lastly entertained audiences in the heist thriller flick Thunivu crafted by H. Vinoth. After an extended break, the actor is now awaiting the release of his upcoming action thriller drama Vidaamuyarchi. Director Magizh Thirumeni, who shot to fame with Thadaiyara Thaakka, has penned and directed the movie. Actress Trisha Krishnan once again plays the love interest of Ajith Kumar after their alluring onscreen chemistry in Ji, Kireedam, Yennai Arindhaal, and Mankatha. The entertainer was supposed to hit theaters for Pongal. But had to be postponed due to what was rumored to be copyright infringement. Now the makers have announced that Vidaamuyarchi will be released worldwide on 6th of February in languages Tamil and Telugu.
The makers had released the teaser of the flick last year. Now they have unveiled the trailer of Vidaamuyarchi on social media. Taking to their official X handle, Lyca Productions unveiled a short clip from the film along with a link to the trailer of Vidaamuyarchi and captioned it, “Persistence pays off! The VIDAAMUYARCHI Trailer hits MILLION views in 30 mins on YouTube! Every setback fuels the comeback. Tamil. Telugu. FEB 6th in Cinemas Worldwide. Vidaamuyarchi. Pattudala. Efforts Never Fail. Perseverance Triumphs | விடாமுயற்சி திருவினையாக்கும். Vidaamuyarchi From Feb 6. Vidaamuyarchi Trailer.” Here is the post made by the production house.
Two minute trailer of Vidaamuyarchi begins with an aerial shot of a speeding car. We witness actor Ajith Kumar anxiously driving around. Following which we have actress Trisha Krishnan announcing, “When he sees me, you know that moment, that image, he should never forget it.” We then have a few romantic clips between the pair. The tone gets serious. In a shot actor Ajith Kumar says, “I do not know about this generation Kayal. But when we were kids, if our watches broke, we would fix them. If out TV sets broke, we would fix them. We would not throw them away.” We see actor Ajith embroiled in a convoluted situation. Towards the end of the trailer he says, “My whole world has been crumbling for a while now.”
Vidaamuyarchi is inspired by Kurt Russell’s Hollywood entertainer Breakdown helmed by Jonathan Mostow. Magizh Thirumeni is said to have finetuned the story to suit the taste of Indian audience. Vidaamuyarchi also comprises action king Arjun Sarja, Regina Cassandra, Ramya Subramanian, big boss title winner Arav, Nikhil Nair, Dasarathi, Sravan, Ganesh Saravanan, and Siddharth. Musician Anirudh Ravichander has joined forces with Ajith Kumar for the third time following their chartbusters in Vedalam and Vivegam. Cinematographer Om Prakash is behind the lens for the flick. Editor N. B. Srikanth has been brought on board to oversee the editing division of the movie. Stunt master Supreme Sundar has designed action moves for the flick. Vidaamuyarchi is bankrolled by Subaskaran Allirajah under his production label Lyca Productions.
On the professional front, actor Ajith Kumar will soon have another release in Good Bad Ugly directed by Adhik Ravichandran in which he will be seen alongside actors Trisha Krishnan, Prabhu, Prasanna, Arjun Das, and Yogi Babu. On the other hand, actress Trisha Krishnan is getting ready for successive releases in Thug Life crafted by Mani Ratnam in which she has co starred with actors Kamal Haasan and Silambarasan, a Malayalam entertainer titled Ram scripted by Jeethu Joseph in which she has featured alongside actor Mohanlal, and a Telugu movie Vishwambhara directed by Mallidi Vassishta in which she has shared screen space with actor Chiranjeevi. The Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa actress is currently busy shooting for Surya 45 under the direction of RJ Balaji.