Actor Akash Murali, son of late actor Murali and sibling of Adharvaa is gearing up to be the third entrant into Kollywood from his family with his upcoming romantic film titled Nesippaya. His character goes by the name Arjun in the flick. Director Vishnu Varadhan of Arinthum Ariyamalum fame has penciled and helmed the drama. Writer Neelan Sekar has written dialogues and offered his assistance in molding the screenplay. Actress Aditi Shankar has been contracted to play the love interest of Akash Murali. She has played a character named Diya. Bollywood actress Kalki Koechlin of That Girl In Yellow Boots fame will be making her debut in Tamil cinema with a prominent role in the entertainer. Nesippaya is poised to hit the screens as a Pongal release on 14th of January.Â
Earlier the production house had unveiled the teaser of the entertainer on social media. Now they have launched the trailer of the flick. Taking to their official X profile, XB Film Creators shared a poster from the project along with a link to the trailer of Nesippaya and wrote, “Love’s Strength in the Face of Fate. Get a glance at the heartwarming tale of Nesippaya with Nesippaya Trailer. Nesippaya from Jan 14. A Vishnu Varadhan film. A Yuvan Shankar Raja musical. Arjun Diya, Akash Murali, Aditi Shankar, Sarathkumar.” Here is the post made by the makers.Â
Two minute trailer of Nesippaya opens to Aditi Shankar’s Diya character asking, “Arjun, do you think we both will become estranged?” to which he responds’, “Nope. Just tell me yes, I will stop the whole world for you.” She replies, “You always make me happy.” We are then presented with a few romantic shots between the lead pair. The trailer suddenly switches gear and gets into action mode. Earlier talking to a popular media house, Vishnu Varadhan disclosed, “Nesippaya will be a superb adventurous love tale with splendid moments that will resonate and connect with people who are in love, who have experienced love, and are about to fall in love. I am quite confident that the audience will love it.”Â
The cast of Nesippaya also comprises actors Sarathkumar, Prabhu, Khushbu Sundar, Akanksha Puri, Shiv Panditt, Vikkals Vikram, Amalda Liz, Raja, Mottai Rajendran, O A K Sundar, and George Kora. Music composer Yuvan Shankar Raja has scored music for the film. Cinematographers Om Prakash and Cameron Bryson have operated cameras for the movie. Editor A Sreekar Prasad has trimmed the venture. Art director Sahu has erected sets for the drama. Stunt director Federico Cueva has choreographed action moves. The project is produced by Dr S Xavier Britto and Sneha Britto under the production label XB Film Creators. Raahul will be releasing the movie under his home banner Romeo Pictures.Â
On the professional front, actress Aditi Shankar is eagerly awaiting the release of her next project Once More filmed by Vignesh Srikanth in which she has romanced actor Arjun Das. The Viruman actress is presently engaged in Suriya 43 helmed by director Sudha Kongara, an untitled project which will be the directorial debut of actor Vijay’s son Jason Sanjay, Idharkuthane Aasaipattai Balakumara 2 directed by Gokul in which she will be collaborating with actor Vishnu Vishal, and a Telugu film Bhairavam crafted by Vijay Kanakamedala in which she will be seen alongside actors Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas, Manchu Manoj Kumar, Nara Rohit, Divya Pillai, and Anandhi.