Awe, which is directed and written by Prasanth Varma, is ready to gear up the Kollywood and it will be released on 2nd February, 2018. Awe is a different type of Telugu film and is featured by Kajal Aggarwal, Nithya Rebba, Regina Cassandra, Murali Sharma and Srinivas Avasarala. Tollywood star Nani has given the voice as the narrator and has played a role of humanitarian fish. Another Tollywood star Ravi Teja has lent voice as a bonsai tree, which is a close friend of the fish. Ravi Teja has also accompanied Nani to narrate the story.
It has been reported that the upcoming film will bring a different experience to the audience. There are different incredible woman characters, who are in the leading role of the dramatic film. From the end of 2017, everyone is quite excited with this movie and rumours have been doing rounds in the Kollywood industry. The movie is full of surprising moments and characters, which we have seen in comic book. A series of posters of the leading characters, have been given and a one-minute video has been released. Though we have not got any specific information of the story of this film, the teaser speaks for itself.