Actress Poorna who made her debut in Kollywood with the action romance drama Muniyandi Vilangial Moonramandu which hit the screens under the directorial of story teller Thirumurugan alongside actor Bharath has not starred in a solid super hit flick till date. But that has a probability to change as the actress is currently gearing up for the release of her next multi starrer Suriya’s film Kaappaan which is slated to hit the theaters on 20th of September. It was earlier announced that debutant director T. Ranganathan will be helming a project based on the Blue Whale Challenge game which laid light on how hazards sometimes technology can change. It was publicized that actress Poorna will be essaying the lead role in the flick. Now the trailer of the drama has hit the social media.
The trailer has its moments but it does not promise to be a solid scary thriller. Actress Poorna goes around investing a case of a missing boy. The actress has undergone a character makeover to get in to the tomboyish look in which she appears in the flick. The thriller drama is said to be about a story of a young boy who goes missing from his apartment in the absence of his parents. Things get awful after evidence of the boy having played the hazardous life threatening game before his disappearance is discovered. The trailer of the entertainer is not very impressive but we will have to wait to know what the movie has in its sleeves to entertain the audience.
Earlier, speaking about the project, story teller T. Ranganathan said, “There was not anything that have disturbed or unleashed chaos in the society as Blue Whale game which was responsible for the death of many innocent children. In the modern world that we live in, our economical conditions demand for both the parents to work to take care of the family. So the kids that come home from school has no one to share how they feel like which paves way for them to get in to online games such as this. We cannot bring out the culprits behind these games but we can educate the parents on how to keep away their kids from such games. That is precisely what my movie is going to do and to tell parents why it is important to spend more time with their kids. Actress Poorna will be depicting the role of an assistant commissioner who will be in charge of tracking the missing boy.”
The motion picture is bankrolled by D Mathu under the banner B’Yond Entertainment partnering with P Arumai Chandran of 8 Point Entertainment. Apart from actress Poorna, the casting of the movie has Kabish Khanna, Birla Bose, and Divya essaying various other important roles. The music for the drama has been composed by P.C Shivan. While KK has been behind the camera for the entertainer, Shanmugham Velusamy has taken care of the editing department of the project.
On the professional front, actress Poorna is gearing up for a back to back release in the likes of Kaappaan and Blue Whale. Apart from these ventures, the actress has an untitled project which will be helmed by director S. G. Charles in her kitty.