The actor, who has had a rough couple of months with things going down south, finally gets some relief with the good news that comes not from his professional life but from his personal life. The actor took everyone by surprise when he announced his engagement ceremony in the month of March. The actor put an abrupt end to the speculations surrounding his marriage by getting engaged to Anisha Alla Reddy in a privately held ceremony in March. Though the engagement ceremony was not attended by many celebrities in the industry, the actor’s close friends Ramana, Nandha, Sriman, Pasupathy and the Kollywood’s bubbly couple Khushboo and Sundar c attended the event.
Now, news is out in the K town that the marriage date of the actor has been fixed by the families of both sides. According to sources, actors Vishal and Anisha Alla Reddy are set to tie the knot on 9th of October this year. It is said that the family members of both sides are planning for a grand event to host the wedding. Anisha Alla Reddy is a Hyderabad based upcoming actress who has made cameo appearances in Vijay Deverakonda’s Arjun Reddy and in Pelli Choopulu.
The actor had vowed during the 2016 actor’s association election campaign that he will not get married until he builds the actor’s association building. He had also stated that his marriage and his close buddy Arya’s marriage will take place in the newly built building of actor’s association. But Arya got married to his co star of Ghajinikanth Sayyeshaa Saigal in a privately held ceremony in Hyderabad earlier this year. We will have to wait to see whether Vishal keeps up his promise by getting married in the new building of actor’s association. Recently actor and council member of actor’s association Ponvannan said that the construction of the building is taking place swiftly and is expected to be completed within four or five months. Since the time span for the completion of the building and the marriage date of the actor coincides, it seems like the actor has planned his wedding well.
On the professional end, the actor is currently embroiled in a power tussle that is happening in the film industry which resulted in the postponement of the actor’s big budgeted summer release Ayogya, the official remake of Junior NTR’S Telugu blockbuster film Temper. Apart from this the actor has the sequel of Thupparivaalan in his kitty which will be directed by Myskkin.