Actor Dhanush K Raja was last seen on screen in the action entertainer Raayan which hit theaters under his own direction with actors S J Suryah, Sundeep Kishan, Kalidas Jayaram, and Dushara Vijayan in lead roles. The flick drew mixed reviews from critics. But had a superb run in the box office. The Naane Varuvean star is currently busy shooting for his upcoming drama Idli Kadai. Apart from headlining the project, he has also penciled the script, and is directing the film. Actress Nithya Menon, who previously delivered the blockbuster entertainer Thiruchitrambalam with Danush has been signed in to play the female lead role. Actress Shalini Pandey of 100% Kadhal fame will be depicting the second female lead part. The production team will soon wrap the shoot for the venture.
The production house has officially announced that Idli kadai will release worldwide this summer on 10th of April. The makers have now released the first look poster of the drama on social media. Taking to his official X profile, actor Dhanush K Raja dropped a couple of first look posters from Idly Kadai and captioned it, “Idli kadai First look. Stay connected to your roots.” Here is the post made by the actor.
In one of the first look snaps, Dhanush looks much younger dressed in a traditional attire carrying a bag full of vegetables in one hand and utensils in another. In pic two, he is seen standing with a sense of reverence beside a majestically seated Rajkiran. The ensemble cast of Idli Kadai also includes actors Arun Vijay, Prakash Raj, P Samuthirakani, and Rajkiran. Music director G V Prakash Kumar will be handling musical gears for the drama. Idli Kadai marks the ninth association of G V Prakash Kumar and Dhanush. The duo has delivered chartbusting albums in the likes of Mayakkam Enna, Polladhavan, Asuran, and Captain Miller.
The cinematography department of the venture will be overseen by Kiran Koushik. Editor G K Prasanna will be editing the entertainer. Art director Rahul will be designing the background for the venture. Idli Kadai is bankrolled by Dhanush himself for his home banner Wunderbar Films in association with Aakash Baskaran under the production label Dawn Pictures. Theatrical rights of the movie, has been acquired by actor and politician Udhayanidhi Stalin who will be presenting the project under the banner Red Giant Movies.
On the professional front, actor Dhanush K Raja is also awaiting the release of his next project Kubera helmed by story teller Sekhar Kammula. Telugu superstar Nagarjuna and Rashmika Mandanna have essayed lead roles in the movie. On the other hand, actress Nithya Menen is getting ready for the release of her next Tamil drama Kadhalikka Neramillai crafted by Kiruthiga Udhayanidhi in which she has romanced actor Jayam Ravi. She is currently busy shooting for her future ventures Dear Exes directed by Kamini in which she will be collaborating with actors Prateik Patil Babbar, Navdeep, and Vinay Rai, and an untitled project filmed by Pandiraj in which she will be seen alongside actor Vijay Sethupathi.