Actor Pradeep Ranganathan set foot in Kollywood as a director in Jayam Ravi’s Comali. After the success of the venture, he turned lead hero under his own directorial in Love Today. Even his sophomore project went on to be a smash hit. He is now gearing up for the release of his upcoming project christened Dragon. The entertainer is helmed by story teller Ashwath Marimuthu, who had previously crafted Ashok Selvan’s Oh My Kadavule. Pradeep Ranganathan has also contributed in shaping the story of the movie. Actress Anupama Parameswaran of Thalli Pogathey fame has been brought on board to play the female lead role. Director and actor Gautham Vasudev Menon has portrayed a prominent character in the drama. The makers are currently working to freeze a date to release the venture. An official update regarding release date is expected to be made soon.
Music director Leon James, who previously scored music for Ashwath Marimuthu’s Oh My Kadavule has composed music for the film. The makers have now unveiled the first single of the movie on social media. Taking to their official X handle, AGS Entertainment dropped a small promo clip along with a link to the first single titled ‘Rise Of Dragon’ from the album, and worded, “Vaazha poradhu Raaajavazhakaiyaa Maarapogudhu paaru paaru. First single from Dragon, Rise Of Dragon is out! Watch now. Pradeep Ranganathan in & as Dragon. An Ashwath Marimuthu Araajagam. A Leon James musical. Sung by Anirudh Ravichander. Lyrics by Vignesh Shivan. Pradeep Ashwath combo.” Here is the post made by the production house.
Musician and singer Anirudh Ravichander has lent his voice for the number. Director and lyricist Vignesh Shivan has penciled lyrics of the song. Apart from Pradeep Ranganathan, Anupama Parameswaran, and Gautham Vasudev Menon, star cast of Dragon also has K S Ravi Kumar, Kayadu Lohar, Mysskin, Vj Siddhu, Mariam George, Harshath Khan, Indhumathy Manigandan, and Thenappan depicting various supporting parts. Niketh Bommi has been trusted with the cinematography division. Editor Pradeep E Ragav has been roped in to take care of the editing department of the venture. Art director Selva Kumar has erected sets for the flick. Action directors Vicky and Dilip Subbarayan have worked in tandem to fashion action moves for the entertainer. The drama is produced by Kalpathi S Aghoram, Kalpathi S Suresh, and Kalpathi S Ganesh under their home banner AGS Entertainment Pvt Ltd.
On the work front, actor Pradeep Ranganathan will next be seen on screens in the science fiction romantic comedy flick Love Insurance Kompany helmed by Vignesh Shivan in which he will be seen alongside actresses Krithi Shetty and Gouri G Kishan. On the other hand, actress Anupama Parameswaran will soon have a release in Tamil via Lockdown directed by A R Jeeva. She is currently engaged in her next Tamil film Bison crafted by Mari Selvaraj in which she will be romancing actor Dhruv Vikram, and three of her Malayalam films Paradha helmed by Praveen Kandregula, JSK filmed by Pravin Narayanan in which she will be collaborating with actor Suresh Gopi, and Pet Detective scripted by Praneesh Vijayan in which she will be sharing screen space with actor Sharafudheen.