Actor G V Prakash Kumar had his last outing in the romantic drama Dear which hit theaters under the direction of Anand Ravichandran with actress Aishwarya Rajesh as female lead. The Vanakkam Da Mappillai actor is now getting ready for the release of his upcoming entertainer Kingston. The project marks the 25th film milestone in G V Prakash Kumar’s career as an actor. Debutant director Kamal Prakash has written and directed the flick. He has sought assistance of writer Dhivek S Sekar to pen dialogues for the project. Actress Divyabharathi, who previously worked with G V Prakash Kumar in Bachelor, has once again played the love interest of the star in the venture. The production house has already announced that the flick will hit theaters worldwide on 7th of March.
The makers had shared the first look poster of the drama last month. Now they have launched the teaser of the movie on social media. Taking to his official X handle, actor G V Prakash Kumar himself unveiled the teaser of Kingston, and worded, “Kingston Teaser is here for you all, an ambitious sea fantasy adventure which we are super excited to show you. Coming to theatres on March 7th!” Here is the post made by the actor.
One minute teaser of Kingston opens to a peaceful bird’s eye view shot of a boat sailing on a sea. Then instantly slides to gruesome violence. We have a voiceover, “The communication was mysteriously lost at sea, while searching for fishermen from the Thoovathur, Tuticorin district.” The scene cuts to actor Elango Kumaravel telling his kid, “Until now, whoever has ventured into the sea has never returned alive!” The kid asks him, “Still, if someone dares to venture?” We have another voiceover, “You brought us here claiming that ghosts are merely myths. On this sea, the ghosts are real, so is death!” The teaser ends with a punch, “A king is yet to be born to conquer this sea!” The teaser has some killer sea diving and underwater shots of actor G V Prakash Kumar. These shots have hyped the expectations on the film.
Apart from G V Prakash Kumar and Divyabharathi, the movie has actors Chetan, Azhagam Perumaal, Elango Kumaravel, Sabumon Abdusamad, Antony, Arunachaleswaran, Rajesh, and Balachandiran playing various supporting roles. G V Prakash Kumar himself has handled musical gears for the flick. Cinematographer Gokul Benoy has been behind camera for the drama. Editor San Lokesh will be overseeing the editing department of the entertainer. Art director S S Moorthy has engineered sets for the film. Stunt master Dhilip Subbarayan has choreographed action moves for the venture. The drama is bankrolled by G V Prakash Kumar along with Umesh K R Bansal under the production company Parallel Universe Pictures in collaboration with Zee Studios.
On the professional front, currently actor G V Prakash Kumar is engaged in his upcoming projects Idi Muzhakkam scripted by Seenu Ramasamy in which he will be romancing actress Gayathrie, and 13 helmed by story teller Vivek K Kannan in which he will be featuring alongside actors Bhavya Trikha, Aadya Prasad, and Gautham Vasudev Menon.