Actor Guru Somasundaram had a release last year in the crime thriller Bayamariya Brammai crafted by Rahul Kabali. The Manja Satta Pacha Satta actor is now gearing up for his next outing in the dark comedy entertainer titled Bottle Radha. Director Dhinakaran Sivalingam has penciled and filmed the movie. Actress Sanchana Natrajan of Irudhi Suttru fame has depicted the female lead in the project. The flick was supposed to hit theaters on 20th of December last year. But the production team postponed the release to Jan 24 at the last moment. The production unit had shared the teaser of the drama recently on social media. Now they have launched the trailer of the flick. Taking to his official X account, director Pa Ranjith unveiled the trailer of Bottle Radha and wrote, “Watch the drama, emotions and chaos of a common man unfold. Bottle Radha Trailer out now. Bottle Radha From Jan 24. A film by Dhinakaran Sivalingam. A Sean Roldan musical. Pa Ranjith Neelam Productions Balloon Pictures T N Arun Balaji.” Here is the post made by the story teller.
Two minute trailer of Bottle Radha starts with actor John Vijay knocking on the doors of Guru Somasundaram, who plays a mason, at night asking for help, “A site in Ambattur Estate. I have to handover the site in two days. Can you please come and finish the job?” He quips, “Just five minutes.” It is followed by another comedy, where an instructor in a deaddiction center says, “This is a deaddiction center, man!” To which Guru Somasundaram retorts, “I am not a drinker like you guys. Just a small cutting. Occasionally, that is all.” The trailer takes a serious turn, and we witness Guru Somasundaram’s drinking habit land his family in trouble. In a scene we see a cop warn Guru Somasundaram’s wife, played by Sanchana Natrajan, “If the rascal comes here next time for creating drunken trouble, I will let him go. But I will make you sweep the entire station and clean the toilets.”
Speaking about the entertainer to a leading media house, director Dhinakaran Sivalingam said, “The story of Bottle Radha is about a mason depicted by Guru sir who turns into an alcoholic which ruins his life and drives away people who are dear to him. It is about how this character navigates these struggles and finds redemption.” Cast of Bottle Radha also features actors John Vijay, Maaran, Abhi Ramaiyah, Suhasini Sanjeev, Antony, Aneesha, Malathi Ashok Nawin, Siranjivi, Madhavi Raj, Oviyar Sow Senthi, Naveen George Thomas, Pari Elavazhagan, Anbarasi, Kaala Kumar, J P Kumar, Prasad, K S Karuna, Arumugavel, and Shegar Narayana.
The musical department of the project has been handed over to music composer Sean Roldan. Three numbers christened ‘Yov Bottle – U’, En Vanam, and Naa Naa Kudikaran are already released from the album. Cinematographer Roopesh Shaji has handled camera gears for the movie. Editor E Sangathamizhan has been handed the editing responsibilities. Art director A Raja has designed sets for the entertainer. Action master P C Stunts has fashioned action moves for the film. Bottle Radha is produced by Pa Ranjith under his home banner Nelam Productions in association with T N Arun Balaji under the production banner Balloon Pictures.
On the work front, actor Guru Somasundaram will next be seen on screen in Kudumbasthan crafted by storyteller Rajeswar Kalisamy in which he has shared screen space with actor Manikandan.