Actor Nivin Pauly ventured into Tamil cinema with Neram which hit the screens under the direction of film maker Alphonse Puthren. The actor managed to make an impact on Tamil audiences in his very first drama. But it was his coming of age romance drama Premam which hit the screen in the year 2015 under the direction of Alphonse Puthren that won him many fans in the state. More than the popularity that he gained in his direct Tamil films, it was the magical effect of Premam that catapulted his image in Tamil Nadu. The actor who was last seen in Tamil cinema in Richie helmed by Gautham Ramachandran is back to Tamil cinema once again. His upcoming untitled Tamil project is directed by filmmaker Ram.Â
Director Ram began shooting for the venture last year from Dhanushkodi in Rameshwaram. For the past few weeks, the unit was shooting their final leg of shoot in A R R Film City in Gummidipoondi. Now, the shooting for the project has been wrapped up. The team has celebrated their final day of shoot by cutting cake. Actor Soori has shared the news on social media. Taking to his official twitter handle, the actor shared a picture from the final day of shoot, and wrote, “In a man’s life his journey in a train would be an unforgettable event. Same way our rail journey for this entertainer has come to an end. I am bidding goodbye. It is a wrap from V House Productions.” Here is the post shared by the actor.Â
The entertainer will have actor Nivin Pauly essaying the role of a tribal man. Director Ram’s last directorial Peranbu with actor Mammootty in the lead had a good reception among the cinephiles. It received critical acclamations from the critics and audience alike. So, the expectation on this venture is quite high. Apart from actors Nivin Pauly and Soori, actress Anjali plays the female lead role in the film. Musician Yuvan Shankar Raja will be handling the musical instruments for the drama. Cinematographer Ekhambharam has cranked the camera for the flick. The project is bankrolled by producer Suresh Kamatchi under the banner house V House Productions.Â
On the work front, actor Nivin Pauly who was last seen on small screens in the Malayalam entertainer Kanakam Kaamini Kalaham is gearing up for a back-to-back release in the likes of Thuramukham helmed by Rajeev Ravi, Padavettu directed by Liju Krishna, and Maha Veeryar directed by Abrid Shine. The Premam actor is currently busy shooting for his next untitled drama under the direction of film maker Rosshan Andrrews. On the other hand, actor Soori who had a release in Etharkkum Thunindhavan previously is getting ready for the release of Don helmed by Cibi Chakravarthi in which he has shared the screen space with actor Sivakarthikeyan, and Viruman helmed by director M. Muthaiah in which he will be seen alongside actor Karthi. The actor is currently busy shooting for his upcoming drama titled Viduthalai under the direction of Vetrimaaran in which he will be playing the lead role.Â