Actor Kalidas Jayaram made his debut in Tamil cinema in the fantasy comedy film Meen Kuzhambum Mann Paanaiyum directed by Amudheshwar with veteran actor Prabhu in a pivotal role. Despite all the buzz around the project with actor Kamal Haasan’s cameo, it fell flat in the box office. The actor then took up a couple of roles in anthology series Putham Pudhu Kaalai and Paava Kadhaigal. His performances in them received acclamation. But his brilliant performance as Iniyan in Natchathiram Nagargiradhu catalogued him as a proper actor. The Aval Peyar Rajni actor who had his last outing in Tamil in Indian 2 will soon have a release in Raayan. Actor Dhanush has written, directed, and played the lead in the flick. The makers have announced that Raayan will be out in theatres on 26th of July.
All the artists involved in the film have been aggressively promoting the entertainer. As part of that Kalidas Jayaram recently sat down with a leading media house for a chat about his experience working in Raayan. Expressing how he felt when he was first informed of the part, he stated, “At first when I got a call from Dhanush sir’s production, I thought they had approached me to play a part in their productions. Later when I met him, I had a pleasant surprise. It was a very exciting moment of my life. To not only be a part of Dhanush sir’s film but to act under his direction took a while to sync in.” Speaking about his character in Raayan he said, “My character in Raayan is unique from the roles I have played thus far. When Dhanush sir first narrated my part, I was convinced that I not only landed a completely different role but a part with a lot of depth to perform. I think this is the right time for me to play a part such as this. It has aided me to progress both as an artist and on individual level.”
Describing about how he prepared to look the part, he revealed, “I am not very fluent in North Chennai dialect. So, it was quite challenging for me. Thankfully I had the best of the best as my master, Dhanush sir. He was so patient and kind to teach us how to enunciate and intonations of the slang. I can now confidently say that I can do any character hailing from North Madras to perfection.” Detailing about his chemistry with his co star Dushara Vijayan, he expressed, “Raayan is the third movie together for me and Dushara Vijayan after Natchathiram Nagargiradhu and Balaji Mohan’s untitled drama in production. We have played romantic interest of each other. So, at first it was very weird to play the brother of Dushara Vijayan. But eventually as we got in to the character everything was fine. All of us had great fun working in Raayan.”
The cast of Raayan also has actors Prakash Raj, S J Suryah, Sundeep Kishan, Aparna Balamurali, Selvaraghavan, Anikha Surendran, Jayaram, Aranthangi Nisha, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Saravanan, and Dushyanth Ramkumar portraying various supporting parts. Music director A R Rahman has taken care of the musical department. Cinematographer Om Prakash has operated the camera for the movie. Editor G K Prasanna has been brought on board to trim the entertainer. Art director Jacki has engineered sets. Stunt man Peter Hein has choreographed action blocks. The drama is bankrolled by Kalanithi Maran for his production company Sun Pictures.
On the professional front, actor Kalidas Jayaram is engaged with his upcoming untitled flick directed by Balaji Mohan in which he will be co starring with actresses Dushara Vijayan and Amala Paul.