Actor Jiiva had his lasting outing in the science fiction horror drama Black which hit theaters under the direction of K G Balasubramani with actress Priya Bhavani Shankar as female lead. Actor Arjun Sarja lastly had a release in the Malayalam Tamil bilingual film Virundhu crafted by Kannan Thamarakkulam with actress Nikki Galrani Pinisetty in the female lead part. Now both the stars will be seen together on screens in the upcoming horror thriller Aghathiyaa. Lyricist and storyteller Pa Vijay, who previously made Strawberry and Aaruthra, has written and helmed the project. Actress Raashi Khanna of Adanga Maru fame has portrayed the female lead role in the flick. The production house has officially announced that the movie will release worldwide on 31st of January in languages Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi.
The production team has now released the teaser of the movie on social media. Taking to his official X handle, actor Jiiva shared a poster from the flick along with a link to the teaser of Aghathiyaa and worded, “Unveiling the fear and mystery, the Aghathiyaa teaser promises a spine-chilling journey into the realm of Fantasy-Horror Thriller! WATCH NOW!! (Tamil, Telugu & Hindi) Aghathiyaa in cinemas January 31st.” Here is the post made by the actor.
One minute long teaser cut of Aghathiyaa opens to an aerial shot of a beach to the voiceover of Jiiva, “In the year 1940, 84 years ago, in this bungalow mysterious incidents have taken place.” In the visual we witness an Englishman firing a bullet, and a bunch of people being hanged. Then we have a character saying to Jiiva, “We do not have any connection with this old story.” To which he rejoins, “We have Veena, we have!” Following it we have a scary voice announcing a warning, “This is a very dangerous place, get out of here!” Final portion of the teaser encompasses few glimpses of Englishmen committing atrocities on Indians during the colonialism era.
The ensemble casting unit of Aghathiyaa also features actors Edward Sonnanblick, Yogi Babu, Redin Kingsley, VTV Ganesh, Indhraja Shankar, Radha Ravi, Matylda, and Azhagam Perumal. Music director Yuvan Shankar Raja has taken care of the musical department of the film. Dipak Kumar Padhy has overseen the cinematography division of the entertainer. Editor San Lokesh has been brought on board to bring coherence to the flick. Art director P Shanmugam has designed the background for the venture. Action director K Ganesh has fashioned action blocks. The drama is produced by Ishari K Ganesh for his production company Vels Film International partnering with Aneesh Arjun Dev under the production banner Wide Angle Media.
On the work front, actor Jiiva is currently occupied in his Telugu movie Kannappa directed by Mukesh Kumar Singh in which he will be co starring with actor Vishnu Manchu. On the other hand, actor Arjun will soon be seen on screen in Ajith Kumar’s Vidaa Muyarchi helmed by storyteller Magizh Thirumeni, Theeyavar Kulaigal Nadunga crafted by Dinesh Lakshmanan in which he will be seen alongside actress Aishwarya Rajesh, and a Kannada drama Seetha Payanam filmed by himself with actors Niranjan Sudhindra, Aishwarya Arjun, Prakash Raj, and Sathyaraj in lead roles.