Vishnu Vishal and Vikrant starrer “Lal Salaam” was released on February 9th this year. Superstar Rajinikanth has also donned an extensive cameo in the name of Moideen Bhai. Directed by Aishwarya Rajinikanth who has made a comeback after her divorce from Dhanush and bankrolled by Lyca Productions the project has not done well at the box office as per the expectations. Satellite rights have been bagged by SUN TV but there are no takers for OTT streaming during the release. Putting an end to the last-standing delay SunNext and Netflix have bought the OTT rights and the movie is all set to get streamed on SunNext from April 12. After a couple of weeks, the movie is expected to get streamed from Netflix.
Usually, the movies released in theatres will get OTT release after 4 weeks of theatrical release. But now the OTT market is in decline. There are lots of movie releases hampered because of not getting any OTT deals. “Lal Salaam” too faced similar issues. Initially, there were no takers for Satellite rights as well but Superstar Rajinikanth intervened and requested Sun Network to buy the satellite rights. Once the movie is released the producers have been able to seal a deal for OTT rights. Originally the movie was slated to get streamed by March 11 and was postponed to March 29 before finalising April 12. Hopefully it gets better reviews in its digital streaming.Â