After gaining popularity in the small screen, actor Raju Jeyamohan ventured into Kollywood with a supporting part in actor Kavin’s Natpuna Ennanu Theriyuma. Unfortunately, the project did not achieve the desired commercial success. The actor is now all set to take the next big step in his career with his lead role in the upcoming film Bun Butter Jam. Director Raghav Mirdath, who had previously directed Kaalangalil Aval Vasantham, has written and helmed the drama. Actresses Aadya Prasad and Bhavya Trikha have been cast against the actor in the movie. The makers are currently working to fix a date for release of the movie. An official announcement regarding the same is expected to be made soon.
The production house has now launched the teaser of the flick on social media. Taking to his official X handle, actor Raju Jeyamohan dropped a poster from the drama along with a link to the teaser of Bun Butter Jam and wrote, “Bun Butter Jam teaser. A Nivas K Prasanna musical. Written and directed by Raghav Mirdath. Produced by Rain of Arrows Entertainment Suresh Subramanian.” Here is the post made by the actor.
One-minute odd teaser of Bun Butter Jam starts with a quip where Saranya Ponvannan, who plays the mother of Raju Jeyamohan narrates a Thirukural, “eendra pozhuthir perithuvakkum than maganai saandron ena kaetta thaai. (A mother will rejoice even more than she did at the birth of her son, when she hears people say that he is a wise man.) I did not understand this proverb when I studied it in school. I realize it only now.” We are then given a tour of college and romance life of an innocent Raju Jeyamohan who finds it hard to get what his girlfriend is trying to convey to him.
Talking about the drama to a popular YouTube channel, director Raghav Mirdath disclosed, “Bun Butter Jam is a complete Gen Z film. Today’s digital advancement has made life difficult as much as it has made it better. The advancement has got the youths distracted. They either stay in the past debacles or be anxious about what their future might be. The goal of the movie is to encourage them to live in the present.” Detailing about the romantic facade in the story he said, “Despite the presence of two heroines Bun Butter Jam will not thread excessively in the lane of romcom. Today the audience has begun to receive stories that are different. In fact, they are expecting diverse plots. If the story is engaging, they go on to become blockbusters irrespective of whether they are small or big films. This gives us confidence to experiment a bit in both writing and making. I am confident that audiences across age will like Bun Butter Jam.”
Apart from Raju Jeyamohan, Aadya Prasad, and Bhavya Trikha, Bun Butter Jam has actors Saranya Ponvannan, Devadarshini, Charlie, Michael Thangadurai, and VJ Pappu. Musician Nivas K Prasanna has been engaged to compose music for the entertainer. Cinematographer IE Babu Kumar has operated camera gears for the venture. Editor John Abraham has been bestowed with the responsibility to trim the project. Art director Sri Sasi Kumar has designed the background for the flick. Stunt master Om Prakash has choreographed action moves. Bun Butter Jam is backed by Suresh Subramanian under his home label Rain of Arrows Entertainment.