Malayalam actor Shane Nigam shot to fame in Mollywood in a short time with his superb performances in Kismath, Kumbalangi Nights, Eeda, and Ishq. Unfortunately, he ran into a lot of controversies leading to a temporary ban on him in the industry. Luckily, everything has been sorted out and he is back to business. The actor who has a substantial following in Kerala is now set to make his debut in Tamil cinema with his upcoming project Madraskaaran. Director Vaali Mohan Das has written and crafted the movie. Actor Kalaiyarasan of Madras fame has played the antagonist part in the venture. Actresses Niharika Konidela and Aishwarya Dutta of Tamil Big Boss fame have portrayed the female lead roles in the movie.
Madraskaaran had recently cleared the censor board proceedings with a U/A certificate. The production team has now announced the release date of the film on social media. Madraskaaran is slated to hit theaters on 10th of January. Taking to his official X profile, actor Vijay Sethupathi shared a poster from the entertainer and announced, “Madraskaaran is releasing on Jan 10th as a Pongal fest! Best Wishes to Jagadish, Shane Nigam & Kalaiyarasan and the entire team. Madraskaaran Pongal. Madraskaaran From Jan 10. Produced by: SR Productions. A Sam C S musical. Director Vaali Mohan Das. Shane Nigam. Kalaiyarasan. Aishwarya Dutta. Niharika Konidela.” Here is the post made by the actor.
Madraskaaran is said to be an action thriller which revolves around a young man who moves from Chennai to Madurai and gets entwined in a messy brawl with a powerful man in the city. The teaser of the drama had a slew of carnages with high-octane action blocks hinting at an action feast for enthusiasts of action movies. The flick has been shot in and around the neighborhoods of Chennai, Madurai, and Kochi. Apart from Shane Nigam, Kalaiyarasan, Niharika Konidela, and Aishwarya Dutta, Madraskaaran also stars veteran actors Karunas, Pandiarajan, and Sharan.
The technical facade of the entertainer has music composer Sam C S scoring music for the project. Two singles christened ‘Thai Thakka Kalyanam’ and ‘Kadhal Sadugudu’ are already released from the album. ‘Kadhal Sadugudu’ which happens to be the remix of AR Rahman’s popular track of the same name from the flick Alaipayuthey, enjoyed a great reception among the audience and received acclamations for its dance moves. Cinematographer Prasanna S Kumar has operated cameras for the project. Editor R Vasantha Kumar has been signed in to edit the entertainer. Art director Ananth Mani has designed sets for the venture. Action master Santhosh has choreographed action moves. The entertainer is backed by B Jagadish under his production label SR Productions.
On the work front, actor Shane Nigam is currently occupied in a few of his future Malayalam ventures Aayirathonnam Ravu helmed by Salam Bappu, Bermuda filmed by director T K Rajeev Kumar, Haal crafted by Prasanth Vijayakumar, and Painkili scripted by Devan. Beside these films, he has his long-delayed dramas Parakramam directed by Arjun Ramesh in which he has starred alongside actress Sona Olickal, and Qurbani directed by V Geo in which he has romanced actress Aarsha Chandhini Baiju in the shelves waiting to see the light of day.