Actor and director Thambi Ramaiah was last seen in a supporting role in Indian 2 directed by Shankar with actor Kamal Haasan in the lead role. The film was subjected to stern criticism and had a disastrous run in the box office. The actor will soon have a prospect to get back to the winning zone with his upcoming entertainer Rajakili. Umapathy Ramaiah, son of Thambi Ramaiah is set to make his debut as a director with the movie. Actresses Miyashree Sowmya, Suveta Shrimpton have portrayed the female lead roles. The production house had earlier announced that the venture will be out in theaters on 13th of December. But due to IMD’s announcement of probable cyclone formation around the same date, the release of the entertainer has been pushed to 27th December.
In the meanwhile, the production team has released the trailer of the venture on social media. Taking to his official X profile, producer Suresh Kamatchi unveiled the trailer of Rajakili and captioned it, “Rajakili Official Trailer is here. Rajakili Worldwide release Dec 13.” Here is the post made by the actor.
Two and a half minutes long trailer of Rajakili starts with a voiceover of “His name is Murugappa. Owner of Murugappa Towers. He owns many businesses across many towns in India.” The shot cuts to Thambi Ramaiah offering to pray to God expressing his gratitude, “All this is your doing, Muruga. You are the one who is influencing me from inside.” We then witness him being awarded for his service to the society. Then we get to see the other shade of him being a womanizer which eventually lands him in trouble. The trailer ends with Samuthirakani saying, “Parents tolerating the mistakes of their children is duty. But children forgiving the wrongdoings of their parents is a sacrifice.”
Apart from Thambi Ramaiah, Samuthirakani, Miyashree Sowmya, and Suveta Shrimpton, the film stars actors Deepa, Praveen Kumar G, Pazha Karupaiya, M S Bhaskar, Krish, Aadukalam Naren, Arul Doss, Daniel Annie Pope, Reshma Pasupaleti, Shwetha, Vetrikumaran, and Subha in various supporting roles. The background music for the flick has been composed by music director Sai Dinesh. Tapas Nayak has worked as an audiographer for the drama. Cinematographers Kedarnath and Gopinath have worked in tandem to capture the flick. Editor R Sudharsan has been brought on board to bring coherence to the entertainer. Art directors Vairabalan and Veerasamar have fashioned sets for the film. Stunt man Silva Master has choreographed action blocks. The project is bankrolled by Suresh Kamatchi under the production company V House Productions.
On the professional front, actor Thambi Ramaiah is busy shooting for his next projects titled Asurakulam directed by Vignesh Menon in which he will be co starring with actors Sabarish and Vidya, and Sankarapuram helmed by Hari Kumar with himself in the lead role. On the other hand, Samuthirakani will soon have a release in Vanangaan crafted by Bala in which he will be seen alongside actor Arun Vijay, and in the Telugu project Game Changer scripted by Shankar which has Telugu superstar Ram Charan playing the lead role. The Poovarasam Peepee star is currently occupied with his upcoming movies Thiru Manickam crafted by Nanda Periswamy, Public helmed by storyteller Raa Paraman, and a Telugu film christened Ramam Raghavam crafted by Dhanraj in which he will be sharing screen space with actress Moksha Sengupta.