Actor Sarathkumar made his debut in Tamil cinema as an actor and producer in the 1988 thriller movie Kan Simittum Neram. The Por Thozhil actor’s previous release Nirangal Moondru, which hit theaters under the direction of Karthick Naren with stars Atharvaa, Rahman, and Ammu Abhirami in lead roles marked his 149th film. Now he is gearing up for the release of the 150th entertainer of his career christened The Smile Man. Storytellers Syam and Praveen, who previously delivered the Vetri starrer Memories, have directed the flick. The story of the drama has been penned by writer Kamala Alchemis. Actresses Sija Rose and Ineya have depicted prominent characters in the flick. The production house has officially announced that the entertainer will be released worldwide on 27th of December.
The drama had recently cleared censorship with a U/A certificate. The makers have now unveiled the trailer of the movie on social media. Taking to his official X handle, actor and politician Sarathkumar shared the trailer of The Smile Man and captioned it, “The crime mystery puzzles will be unlocked on Dec 27th!! Presenting the gripping trailer of The Smile Man. TN theatrical release on Dec 27th through GRR Movies GRR Ragu.” Here is the post made by the actor.
Two minute trailer of The Smile Man opens to a cadaver discovered in a garbage can, about which a cop informs his superior, “Another murder has taken place in the similar modus operandi of The Smile Man.” Then we have a forensic expert explain the killer’s method of kill, “He has slaughtered the victim and waited until the blood froze. He has maimed their mouths with a hacksaw blade or a similar kind of knife. He has dumped the body in public. This means that he will not stop with one murder. The killer is trying to say something.” As the police department finds it difficult to solve the case, a retired cop played by Sarathkumar is called on for reference. He takes up the case and begins to investigate. Speaking to a leading daily about the venture, director Syam stated, “Sarathkumar sir plays a retired police officer in the early stage of Alzheimer’s. Before he loses his memory, he must stop a serial killer who is on a murder spree. This will be a unique character in his career. I am confident the audience will love it.”
Cast of The Smile Man also features actors George Maryan, Sri Kumar, Rajkumar, Suresh Menon, Kumar Natarajan, and Baby Azhiya. Music composer Gavaskar Avinash has handled musical instruments for the project. Cinematographer Vikram Mohan has shouldered cameras for the venture. Editor San Lokesh has trimmed the entertainer. Art director Ravi Pandian has engineered sets for the flick. Stunt masters PC Stunts and K Ganesh Kumar have fashioned action blocks for the film. The Smile Man is produced by Salildas for his banner house Wednesday Stories partnering with Aneesh Haridasan and T Anandan under the production company Magnum Movies. GRR Ragu of GRR Movies has bagged the theatrical rights of the entertainer.
On the work front, actor Sarathkumar will soon have successive outings in Naa Naa directed by storyteller Nirmal Kumar in which he has collaborated with actor Sasi Kumar, Vidiyal helmed by director Selvaraj in which he has co starred with actress Sneha, and a Malayalam drama Operation Raahat crafted by Major Ravi. Apart from these projects, he has Aazhi – The Ocean which is set to be filmed by Madhav Ramadasan, and a mythological Telugu flick Kannappa which will be directed by Mukesh Kumar Singh in which he will be associating with actor Vishnu Manchu in his pipeline.