Actor Vaibhav is one of few gifted actors in Kollywood who could even make a dud joke to land well. In fact, he has built his entire career out of that special prowess of his. The Meyaadha Maan actor had a release earlier this year in Ranam Aram Thavarel crafted by storyteller Sherief with actresses Nandita Swetha and Tanya Hope as female leads. He is now gearing up for the release of his upcoming flick christened Chennai City Gangsters. Film makers Vikram Rajeshwar and Arun Keshav have penned and crafted the project. Actress Athulya Ravi of Murungakkai Chips fame has portrayed the female lead role. The entertainer has now reached the post production stage. An official release date for the movie is expected to be announced soon.
The audio launch function of the flick took place in Chennai recently. Actor Arun Vijay graced the event and released the teaser of the drama. Now the production house has dropped it on social media. Taking to their official X account, the Production house expressed their gratitude to the actor and unveiled the teaser of Chennai City Gangsters and wrote, “The memorable moments from the teaser and audio launch of Chennai City Gangsters yesterday. Special thanks to Arun Vijay sir who came in as the special guest for the event! An Imman Musical.” Here is the post made by the production unit.
One-minute teaser starts with a gang leader played by Anandraj pointing to a map and instructing his team, “This is our map. From now this is our Bible, Gita, and Quran. Our god, and everything. So, we must take care of it.” The teaser then tosses in glimpses of romance between the lead pair. We then learn that an influential man hands an assignment to the gang to steal a valuable item. The trailer ends with Anandraj’s character informing Vaibhav that they are going to rob a bank. To which the actor retorts, “With you in lead we cannot even steal a power bank. How are we going to loot a bank?”
The casting of Chennai City Gangsters includes actors Manikandan Rajesh, Anandraj, Naan Kadavul Rajendran, John Vijay, Redin Kingsley, Sunil Reddy, Shihan Hussaini, Livingston, and Ilavarasu. Music director D Imman has been roped in to score music for the movie. Tijo Tomu has been trusted with the cinematography division. Editor Suresh A Prasad will take care of the editing department. Art director Arun Shankar Durai has designed the background for the drama. Stuntman Don Ashok has fashioned action moves. Chennai City Gangsters is bankrolled by Bobby Balachandran under the production company BTG Universal Production.
On the work front, actor Vaibhav will soon have his next release in GOAT – The Greatest Of All Time crafted by Venkat Prabhu in which he has co starred with actor Vijay. Besides this project, the Kaatteri actor is awaiting the release of his long-delayed drama Aalambana directed by Pari K Vijay. Actress Parvati Nair has essayed the female lead role in the movie. On the other hand, actress Athulya Ravi is awaiting the release of her next project Diesel helmed by Shanmugam Muthusamy in which she has shared screen space with actor Harish Kalyan.