Actor Vishal recently grabbed headlines after a clip of him having tremor in the audio launch function of Madha Gaja Raja went viral. Well-wishers of the star started to pour in the get well soon message. The Irumbu Thirai star who had his last outing in the action-drama film Rathnam directed by Hari will soon have a release in Madha Gaja Raja. The project went on floors in 2012. It was completed and ready for release. But due to some financial tussle it got shelved. However, the venture’s time to grace the screens has finally arrived. Director Sundar C has written and helmed the project. He has borrowed the assistance of writer Venkat Raghavan in shaping the script. Actresses Varalaxmi Sarathkumar and Anjali have portrayed the female lead roles in the flick. The production house has officially announced that the movie will release worldwide on 12th of January.
The production team has now released the trailer of the movie on social media. Taking to her official X handle, actor Khushbu Sundar shared a poster from the flick along with a link to the trailer of Madha Gaja Raja and worded, “Madha Gaja Raja trailer. Madha Gaja Raja Jan 12. பொங்கல் கொண்டாட்டம்.” Here is the post made by the actress.
Two minute trailer cut of Madha Gaja Raja opens to a colorful peppy number with actor Vishal grooving to it. Then we witness the happy go lucky nature of the star. We are thrown into a few glimpses of him breaking bones and performing gravity defying stunts. It is refreshing to catch actor Santhanam as a comedian once again. In a scene actor Lollu Sabha Swaminathan says, “Chasing dogs do not bite.” Santhanam quips, “Slide your leg in the middle, we will see whether or not it bites.” In a shot actor Vishal delivers a punch, “Instead of thinking if we can do it, we should think if it cannot be done by us then it cannot be done by no one.”
Apart from Vishal, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, and Anjali, Madha Gaja Raja also features actors Santhanam, Sonu Sood, John Kokken, late Manivannan, Munna Simon, Sadagoppan Ramesh, Nithin Sathya, late Manobala, late Mayilsamy, Ajay Rathnam, Mottai Rajendran, Sudha, K S Jayalakshmi, Chitti Babu, Lollu Sabha Manohar, Swaminathan, Cheenu Mohan, Muthukaalai, Vichu Vishwanath, Yuvina Parthavi, Sathya Krishnan, Usha Elizabeth, Lollu Sabha Easter, and Gayathri Rao. Actress Sadha will be shaking her legs for a special number. Actor Arya will be seen in a cameo role. Music director Vijay Antony has handled musical instruments for the flick. Cinematographer Richard M Nathan has been behind the lens for the film. Editors K L Praveen and N B Srikanth have worked in tandem to edit the movie. Art director Gururaj has engineered sets. Stuntman Super Subburayan has fashioned action moves. Madha Gaja Raja is produced by Akkineni Anand Prasad and Akkineni Manohar Prasad for the banner house Gemini Film Circuit.
On the professional side, actor Vishal who was shooting for Thupparivaalan 2 under storyteller Mysskin’s direction took over the project and announced that he will be directing it. The ensemble cast of the flick includes actors Prasanna, Gautami, and Nassar.